Why We Call Our Daughter and My Stepdaughter Sisters.

The mornings rush by so fast.

Especially on school days with Bella.

We roll out of bed with tired and fuzzy eyes.

Matt groggily makes the coffee.
Juniper fusses to be held right away.

I pretend like I can fall back asleep for a few more minutes.

Bella hops out her PJ's and into some reasonably clean clothes.

We all scramble to get Bella out the door to school.

This morning, my guy left me alone and took both girls for the morning car ride.

I got to feel what the house is like all by myself.

This is a rare treat.

I thought it would feel awesome.

But for the moment I sit here, it just feels empty.

Because moments before, I captured the moment above with my camera.

And I would like to have it back now.


You see -

I am a shameless co-dependent parent and wife.

I am in love with and obsessed with my family.

I think I was built for this.

I will admit -

It is RIFE with challenge.

There are days filled with mom doubt, mom fear, and even mom regret.

Was I actually built for all of this crazy crazy this?

I think about the picture I made in my head years prior of what my family would look like.

I would have two kids.

Two little girls was the image I saw in my mind.

Two fiercely wonderful girls growing up side by side together.

I would have my daughters.

And now, as I sit in the negative space of Bella, Juniper, and Matt's exit, I realize -

I do have two daughters.

One I birthed.

And one I love as if I birthed.

my family

Because I have a daughter and a stepdaughter.

I have a daughter and a stepdaughter who call each other sisters.

Not half-sisters.

Not step-sisters.


Why do Matt and I encourage this?
Because when Bella held June for the first time, Matt and I saw two sisters already madly in love.

There was no extra label needed to dilute the love we saw.

They were and are and always will be sisters.

Sisters who happen to see each other half of the week.

Sisters who, when reunited, act so happy it would brighten even the grumpiest person's day.

Sisters who laugh together.

Sisters who lounge and watch TV together.


Sisters who kiss and hug and smile at each other like it's always the very first time they're meeting.

In the rush of school mornings, it's so easy for me to miss out on the magic of watching these girls enjoy each other.

But this morning, I got to enjoy it, if only for a few minutes.

For a few minutes, I got to be reminded of why we don't use hyphens or labels.

I got to be reminded of why we let our kiddos just be sisters.

May your morning be filled with as much love as mine has been.


Lovely! You have a beautiful family. My husband's "step-sisters" are actually his sisters too. Heck - I consider them my sisters too.
Lindsay Wolf said…
Awww that's wonderful to hear Cheryl! Much love, and thank you! <3