The 2nd Annual Terrific Thanksgiving Turkey Pledge!

Hello beauties - 

Well, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and with that, the hustle and bustle of finding just the right food to display on the table for everyone to munch on. Stuffing! Mashed Potatoes! Cranberry sauce out of a can! Hey, you can take the girl out of New Jersey, but you can't take the New Jersey out of the girl...

This year, I am challenging you - YES YOU! - to a


We did it last year with fabulous success - nearly 100 pledges on the blog!

Here's how it goes:

First: Watch this amazing video below my friend and fellow activist Ciddy Fonteboa made last year that rocked right into our hearts: 

Second: In the comment section below, I want you to make a firm commitment NOT to eat turkeys this Thanksgiving.  You can say something as simple as "No turkey for me!" or as long as "I would never dream of consuming turkeys because their too cute to eat, pass the tofurky please!"

I would love to see if we can get around 100 pledges by Thanksgiving this year. And don't worry - you can be a vegan, vegetarian, or meat-eater-slowly-transitioning-to-kiss-worthy-vegan and still post a comment below!
Here’s to a delicious, compassionate 
holiday season!

For vegan Thanksgiving recipe ideas, check out last year's holiday post.


Here's to my second cruelty-free Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble! :-D
Lindsay Wolf said…
I, Lindsay Wolf, vegan blogger and animal-lover at large, will be dining on Tofurkey, NOT turkey this year! Here's to my fifth vegan Thanksgiving!
Molly G said…
You know I would never eat a turkey! Turkeys are friends, NOT food! Here's to my 16th turkey-free thanksgiving! Peace and love from NYC!
~~~S Wave~~~ said…
My third vegan holiday season and I haven't regretted them for a second! No turkey in my belly on Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
Here's to my 7th vegan Thanksgiving! May all creatures be happy and free, and may our thoughts, words, and actions contribute to this!
Lisa in B.C. said…
I will happily not cause the suffering and slaughter of a beautiful turkey this or any year.....Happy Vegan Thanksgiving my American Vegan friends!!
Alex Weed said…
I pledge to eat no turkey!
A. Platz said…
Well, I haven't had turkey since some time in 2005, but for you Linds? I Pledge. NO TURKEY FOR ME!
Brian said…
Pledged - for the 2nd year in a row. And we adopted another turkey at a farm in New York. Woohoo!
Gail W said…
This will be my second turkey free thanksgiving-gladly.and lindsay's dad will be turkey free this year too, since we adopted Beatrice the turkey from Farm Sanctuary. I am so thankful she will never be anyone's dinner!!! Gail Wolf (Lindsay's stepmom)
Melissa said…
No turkey for me, I'll be eating tofurky! :)
Unknown said…
No Turkey for me!! I will be making my own compassionate Thanksgiving Feast to bring to my Aunt's house for my sister and I!
Minette said…
A turkey free Thanksgiving for me every year!!! I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Holidays to you & Steve!!
Britt said…
I've been eating 95% vegan for the past couple months and, the few times that I've eaten animal products I've felt sick & awful. I believe in this way of eating more and more every day and will definitely be avoiding the turkey this year.

P.S. Last year I made x-mas dinner for my dad's family--I'm hoping they'll let me take over the kitchen again so that I can lay out a massive plant-based spread. :)
Lindsey said…
My first (of many) turkey-free Thanksgivings. I couldn't be more excited!
CurlyLocks said…
This will be my third cruelty-free Thanksgiving! I have a Tofurky roast in the freezer.

Ruth Smith (Lindsay's mother-in-law)
Melanie L said…
No turkey for me this Thanksgiving - this I pledge!
Erin M. said…
Turkey's are way too cool and beautiful to be eaten!! This is my first Vegan Thanksgiving and I pledge to never eat turkey at Thanksgiving. I <3 being a Vegan!
Unknown said…
turkeys of the world: i love u!

tofurkey get in my belly X) nomnomnomz

heres to my second awesome cruelty free thankgsgivin'

Whitney Wolf said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Whitney Wolf said…
Only Tofurkey for this gal :) I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to not dine on any animal this year, and every year to come.
evervescence said…
You have my pledge! There is not a chance I would eat a turkey this year, or ever again! This will be our third vegetarian thanksgiving this year, and it will be our second 100% cruelty-free vegan Thanksgiving! Having a delicious meal that no animal had to suffer for is something I am truly grateful for. Thank you for your amazing site and the positive, loving message you share about the joys of living a compassionate life! Happy Holidays!
Heather said…
This will be my first vegan thanksgiving! Of many to come :)
Anonymous said…
(singing) What does Mr. Turkey say?
gobble gobble gobble
Soon will be Thanksgiving Day
gobble gobble gobble
People say that it's such fan but I think I that I shall run and hide until the day is done
gobble gobble gobble

One of my favorite childhood songs. :) I'm knitting a cute little turkey to put on the table in lieu of the dead version.
amynilsen said…
No turkey for me!! This year I'm going to take it a step further by encouraging my family to not eat turkey either!
Heyata Ina said…
I'll think of the wild turkeys running free in the woods and fields, and pledge to keep them there, not on my plate!
LemonBadger said…
No Turkey for me! I'm a Kiss-worthy Vegan who'll be cooking for my Best Friend's family this year.

PDX by Way of MT!
Stef said…
Me and my best friend will be visiting our friend in the US next week from Germany. We convinced him to eat with us, not his family, so he'll have his first vegan Thanksgiving. Tofurky here we come!
Marisa said…
We'll be celebrating life this ThanksLiving...without dead birds on the table, of course!
Anonymous said…
I pledge to have a turkey-free "turkey day" this thanksgiving!
Natalie Would said…
I pledge to be TURKEY FREE this year!
Andy said…
No Turkey for me this year.... or ever again. Lots of love & happiness to all of you and a lovely Thanksgiving!
carmel o'connell said…
Pledging a turkey-free Thanksgiving this year and every year!
Unknown said…
"I can't believe I ever ate you guys"

No Turkey year 2!
Joe Naples said…
No gobble gobble for me!
Myra Wolf said…
No Turkey...3rd or 4th year!! Love you!!
(thought I already posted but can't see it)... Happy Living Turkey Thanksgiving!! xoxo miss you beyond the moon!!
L.Ⓥ.H. said…
I adopted a turkey from Farm Sanctuary and would never even think of eating one! Turkeys are amazing, beautiful creatures that deserve respect and love just like every living thing on Earth :) Wishing everyone a Happy Tofurkey Day!
Anonymous said…
My husband Jeff and I became vegans 3 yrs ago, the wk before Thanksgiving. It hasn't always been easy. It did, however change our lives, and never again will we turn our backs on the precious creatures with whom we share this Earth.
Ruth H said…
As a vegan I pledge to have a turkey free Thanksgiving, and also to show my friends and family delicious vegan alternatives to their favorites!
veganographer. said…
This will be my third Thanksgiving as a vegan. I'm having a difficult enough time going to a celebration where there will be a dead turkey on the table-- I would never even dream of consuming the body of such an amazing creature ever again. After visiting Farm Sanctuary, sitting with the turkeys, feeding them and watching one fall asleep in my husband's lap as he petted her-- there is no way I could contribute to such horrible suffering. I'll take Field Roast instead! :)
Britt_Turtle said…
This will be my second cruelty-free Thanksgiving! I adopted Amelinda from Farm Sanctuary to celebrate
Anonymous said…
Gobble-free! We adopted Elizabeth from Farm Sanctuary and visited our local Poplar Spring Farm Sanctuary Thanksgiving WITH the turkeys this weekend to celebrate. Thanks for the video!
Sara said…
14 years turkey free, third one entirely vegan for me. Hosting a whole vegan thanksgiving dinner for my immediate family (2nd time this year - none of my family are are vegan, but all are open and don't mind having someone prepare a delicious meal for them, vegan or no).

Here's to a fantastic family occasion that we and the turkeys (and cows etc.) can all be thankful for.
Thom said…
Our family adopts turkeys (we have pictures of three of them on our wall), and would never ever eat them.

Thanks for your blog, Lindsey. It's very inspiring and I love reading it. Happy Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
Oops, I accidentally commented under my husband's name (the comment above). I'm the one reading your blog, not him. Although he doesn't eat turkey, either. :-)
Carlye Katz said…
I am happy to proclaim that I will have a turkey and cruelty-free ThanksLiving this year, for the rest of my life! Let's change the world! xoxo
Beth said…
Here's to my 16th turkey free Thanksgiving and my 2nd vegan Thanksgiving!
Unknown said…
Here's to my first vegan Thanksgiving!
Collette said…
Would not, could not eat a Turkey, they are my friends. Turkey free for almost 25 yrs. Vegan 4 yrs. Peaceful Blessings~
Shelley said…
No turkey at our house for Thanksgiving. Instead, enjoying stuffed squash and roasted veggies. Who needs a bird??
Melissa said…
15th turkey free turkey day:)
Jo said…
Turkey? NEVER ever...if any, then tofurkey!
Anonymous said…
This is my eleventh turkey-friendly Thanksgiving! We are trying vegan ham this year as well as vegan Gardein Turkey! Yum.
Jessica Sosna said…
This will be my 5th thanksgiving cruelty/turkey free! I can't imgaine ever again celebrating a holiday with such violence... not worth it to me! never again!
OhApril said…
You guys are awesome! As I celebrate my 20th cruelty-free Thanksgiving this year, I will also celebrate you and the loving message you are helping to spread. I hope it opens people's eyes to choosing a healthy and compassionate holiday.
Daniel Torres said…
Happy to be celebrating my 3rd Vegan Thanksgiving this year! No turkey for me, please. :)
Hilary M said…
1st Turkey Free Thanksgiving for me and I am grateful for the information I now have and the peace it can bring me! Gobble Gobble on y'all!
Anonymous said…
No turkey for me either! Love being turkey free!
Anonymous said…
I pledge no turkey for Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
happily vegan again this thanksgiving!
Cameron said…
I love turkeys! (so I don't eat them!) I will be happily chowing down on my Doomie's Home Cookin' meal :) I had it last year and it was so good, I can't wait to have it again!
Anastasia said…
No turkey and no animal products for the third year in a row! Being vegan does not suck! :D
Barry Lovelace said…
Will NEVER eat turkey or any other animal! 100% vegan for 14 plus years and loving it. LOVE the animals :)
Great video!

Why I am vegan video:
Anonymous said…
Happy Vegan Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
No turkey for us this year! Or any year!

You should see the vegan pecan stuffing, maple roasted squash and Cafe Gratitude inspired vegan chocolate mousse I've got planned.. Oh man, we will definitely NOT be suffering this Thanksgiving, nor will any innocent animals.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Anonymous said…
No turkey for this vegan!
My husband and I are celebrating our 3rd Thanksgiving as vegans and I am so excited to make a feast fit for a king! We also always celebrate the holiday by watching Lord of the Rings all day long! Hope you have a great one!
Anonymous said…
Second vegan Tgiving! Yay!
Anonymous said…
my FIRST completely cruelty-free thanksgiving and grateful to be living in an awakened state
Unknown said…
I'm thankful that it's NOT difficult for me to say....
I pledge to NOT eat turkey this Thanksgiving! God's blessings to all animals; thank you for this amazing blog!
Anneka said…
I've already dined on Tofurky with all my friends! They loved it!
Christina said…
I pledge to not eat turkey for Thanksgiving this year! Here's to my second vegetarian Thanksgiving and my first vegan Thanksgiving! Love the Turkey's, don't eat them! :)
katja said…
I pledge! No turkey for me! ;)
Anonymous said…
Turkey free for years! No turkey gobbles for me this year either. They can sit next to me and gobble a sweet sweet song though! :)

Anonymous said…
Turkey free for year five, no dead birds allowed in my house!
Tal Katz said…
Happy Plantsgiving! No turkeys for me!
Kylee said…
2nd year turkey free, and loving every second of it! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Kayla Lian said…
8th year turkey free!
I was hoping, for my amazingly compassionate wife, and for all the turkeys out there who need our pledges and love, that I would have the opportunity to be #100 by Thanksgiving.

I am so grateful to be the 80th pledge this year: here's to my third vegan Thanksgiving - cruelty-free and still the most delicious anyone could ever dream of.

To 20 more cruelty-free Thanksgiving celebrators, send your post-Thanksgiving pledges to show how amazing holidays can be when we put compassion first!
EmilyRosyCheeks said…
KISS ME! For I had a full turkey free, vegan thanksgiving feast!